The President of the Bulgarian National Audit Office took part in the 10th Annual International Conference for Integrity in the Fight against Corruption

The BNAO President, Mr. Dimitar Glavchev took part in the 10th Annual International Integrity Conference, whose main focus was the fight against corruption. The event traditionally brings together heads of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) from around the world, as well as representatives of law enforcement and academia. Among the keynote speakers of the forum were Mr. Bruno Dantas, President of the SAI of Brazil and President of INTOSAI, as well as Mr. Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States.
During the discussions, the various tools for prevention and combatting corruption were examined. Along with the criminal law methods, the so-called "soft measures" were also highlighted, including the strengthening of the ethical environment and integrity in the public sector. SAIs could assist this process by conducting audits of the ethical systems of public sector organisations.
Mr. Nelson Shak Yalta, Comptroller General of the Supreme Audit Institution of the Republic of Peru hosted this year's international conference. This is symbolic, since it was namely in Lima, Peru, in 1977 that the Lima Declaration on the Independence of Supreme Audit Institutions was signed – an internationally recognized auditing standard INTOSAI P-1, which became the basis of external auditing in the public sector.
The BNAO President held a bilateral meeting with Nelson Shack Yalta, where he presented the BNAO progress in the fight against corruption. Mr. Glavchev gave as an example the current certification of the Bulgarian SAI according to ISO 37001 standard "Anti-Bribery Management Systems", as well as the newly established structural unit for combating corruption, bribery and money laundering.
Mr. Dimitar Glavchev awarded Mr. Nelson Shack Yalta with the honorary plaque of the Bulgarian National Audit Office and extended invitation to him to visit the Bulgarian SAI in 2024 for in-depth exchange of experience between the two institutions regarding the role of external audit in fighting corruption and building integrity in the public sector.